Thursday, September 01, 2011

First post of September! So many topics, so little space…
Well, that’s a damn lie. There’s plenty of space, but I always try and figure out how to fill it as quickly as possible, so I don’t miss too much of “The Price Is Right”, or other informational programming on daytime TV.

For today’s instalment, I thought I would share a link to my monthly column that runs across Canada – which is meant for the real estate industry, but if you network at all in your professional or personal life, may tickle your funny bone as well:

I define networking as extending connections with colleagues and/or industry partners, enhancing your social standing, or ensuring that the pizza delivery driver continues to arrive at your door even after you’ve paid him with a bag of empty pop bottles in the past.

You will likely find nothing helpful in this piece to help in any of those instances, but hopefully you will find a laugh or two…

Chow for now!!

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