Wednesday, August 03, 2011

You have to presume that the inventor of popcorn had that particular epiphany quite by accident. I don’t imagine he had a selection of vegetables, lined up by a hot stove, alternating until he finally came across just the right combination. Or maybe he did.....

Carrots?? Dang! Nope...

Peas?? FIRE!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!

Cauliflower?? What was I thinking??

Corn - Heeeey.....this stuff looks DELICIOUS! Maybe a bit of butter and salt? What do you think, Orville?? Nice bow tie, by the way...

At least, that’s how I see it going down...

Chow for now.


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:59 AM

    The only reason you can imagine a lineup of vegetables by a hot stove is because that is EXACTLY what you would have done! AND all with a bow-tie on! Ya, ya wipe that big asp grin off your face! Ya know it's true.

  2. The beans made a hell of a mess....
