Monday, August 22, 2011


Almost forgot to blog today. Mrs. That Dan Guy is home sick, which throws off my routines (and makes me miss “The Price Is Right”, “Young & The Restless”, etc...).

So, just a quick post while she has her head down for a little nap right now.

This would probably also be an appropriate time to confess that this is yet another one of those days where I really have nothing anyway. No links, no rants, no debauched fairy tales...

Say, I do have this funny purple color on my big toe...

Whoa!! It spreads when I press on it!! Cool...

I wonder if that’s a normal sort of thing, or “That Dan Guy, you should maybe see a doctor about that” sort of thing??

Maybe we are both technically home sick today...

Well, off to surf the Google - purple puddle toe - that’s a new one!!

Chow for now...


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:44 AM

    Purple puddle crazy man! Yosemite Sam Double Barrel Trouble Man! Ugh!

  2. Consarn it, where's ma six guns????
