Friday, July 08, 2011

WIll & Kate, Will & I know how Marcia Marcia Marcia felt on The Brady Bunch.

With the whole world watching Canada, thanks to the newest royal couple here in Calgary right now visiting, I feel that the entire world (or at least the four people I rely on) has stopped watching me.

For example, Will & Kate are English. We have two official languages here in Canada, and I just happened to write a column about the second one.

You can take a break from all the royalty hoopla by clicking on this link:     

Sure, you can continue to be hypnotized by the charm and poise of an attractive young couple, or you can enjoy a few laughs, and support both of our official languages.

A no-brainer, as far as I’m concerned.

Hey, the Stampede Parade is starting. There’s Will & Kate!!

Gotta go..........

Chow for now.

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