Monday, July 25, 2011

Got Me A Learnin’ In Apple Yesterday

Working on editing my first-ever video interview for a few hours yesterday, the subject himself (Nicholas Fera) aided me along the learning curve of my new (used) MacBook.

Just using the onboard iMovie, I almost fainted over how astounding the capabilities are, compared to the amateur-hour efforts I’ve loaded onto YouTube (and this blog page) from Windows Movie Maker.

After seeing the finished product (near finished, a few last tweaks before we can load it for anxious viewer(s)), here are just a few of the thoughts running through my head right now:

1) I want to move to Utah, so that I can be legally married both to Mrs. That Dan Guy, AND my MacBook.

2) I would happily bear Steve Jobs’ children.

3) A rainbow, even with a pot of gold at the end of it pales in comparison to Apple computing.

4) I would not leave for a deserted island without first ensuring my MacBook was along for the stranding.

5) There should be parades in every major city, every week, celebrating the genius that is Apple.

6) If I get even just the tiniest bit more dazzled by my MacBook, I fear brain particle will be expelled from my ears, and onto people passing by. I apologize in advance.

7) Mac - “MORE Amazing? C’mon...”

8) “What’s in a name? A computer by any other name is just a pile of wires, bolts and lame. Sweet Apple, MacBook is THY name...”

9) Harry Potter uses only genuine Apple products...

10) “Ask not what your Apple can do for you, ask what you can do for your Apple...”

I think I’m going to like working in the Apple OS.........

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:01 AM

    Oh brother! Something tells me if there was a fire, the blur I think is coming towards me to save me, would pass me in a flash and blur past me again with Mac tucked safely under his arm!
    Ask NOT what one would do for a Mac.

    PS And quit polishing and shining your Mac. It is becoming disturbing!

  2. Now Honey, don't be ridiculous. I have two arms - one for each of you!!

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy8:26 AM

    Yes, but it takes two arms to hug your damn Mac!

  4. Look, just grab my belt and hold on - do you want to be rescued or what???

    Did you grab the Apple polish??

  5. Mrs That Dan Guy11:48 AM

    Oh brother!!!!!!!
    I will take that MAC down before I become second banana!

  6. You're one of my favourite bananas!

    Hey, we have an extra pillow around here somewhere, don't we??

  7. Mrs That Dan Guy8:11 AM

    Umm, typo Mr That Dan Guy, that should read: You are my favourite banana!

  8. Yes.

    Uh, DID you remember to grab the Apple i-Polish???
