Monday, July 11, 2011

Google Analytics

As I steadily plod on to my 2000th post (consecutive posts, day after numbing day), I am enjoying some crazy trends, at least according to the stats Google enables users to access.

The other day for example, my Page Views were ranked as follows”

1) U.S. (thank you, America. I envy your carved mountains - I can’t see us ever doing that for our Prime Ministers...)

2) France (France?? Really?? They know I’m not Jerry Lewis, right?)

3) Canada (Well, at least a few of my fellow Canadians are visiting. Probably most are in vacation in the U.S.  and France...)

I think the increase of readership in France might be due to the link I posted here a few days ago, to my national column - which was bemoaning my utter lack of success in learning how to speak....French. I imagine a cosmopolitan Frenchman on his lunch break, sipping red wine and eating cheese bread, accidentally stumbling upon that column while surfing The Google for updates on Will & Kate’s visit to North America.

Arousing his curiosity, he read it, and bemused, alerted his friend Jacques: “Jacques, thees Canadien ees struggling to lurn our lan-goo-age. You must see how large an ee-dee-ot he ees”.

Jacques reads my column, and forwards it on to his sister Cosette, who speaks better English than Jacques and his friend Pierre. She passes it on to her girlfriend Eponine...

And on and on it has gone, propelling my blog to a sensation (of sorts) in France.

Tomorrow, I expand my borders with my latest post, “How I Failed Miserably Learning To Speak Spanish...Oy Vey!!

Chow for now...


  1. Wow...that's a lot of posts. You are so dedicated! :)

  2. Or, I am crazier than a fruit bat....

  3. Onward, mon frere, onward!

  4. Mrs That Dan Guy7:51 AM

    Giddy-up and cheers to France! I dont have to call you Mr International now do I?

  5. You can call me Monsieur Whoopee, if you so desire...
