Thursday, June 02, 2011

When Harry met Sally, he had spent about a week sleepless in Seattle. Why, no one really knows. He had been notting off on the hill, but just couldn’t seem to drift off for any substantial length of time.
Sally was a pretty woman, but Harry had always felt more interested in Mary - there was just something about Mary. Somewhere in time, things being different, it might have been Sally, but Harry pined for Mary.
Attending my best friend’s wedding, I found a love note Sally had written Harry. I told him, you’ve got mail, but to no avail. He was like Shakespeare in love - a doomed, tragic figure. In love with a lady in red. 
Funny thing love, actually. You can go to four weddings and a funeral, and find evidence of love at all of those diverse events. You may have even dreamed of it while you were sleeping. But achieving, it..well, sometimes you are more likely to be moonstruck.
Chow for now!!


  1. Hmmm...too much time spent watching chick flicks???

  2. Mrs That Dan Guy3:44 PM

    AWESOME! Shoom shoom Mr!

  3. Shoom Shoom, Mrs...
