Friday, June 17, 2011

Haven’t seen our resident vole in quite awhile. I fear the groundskeepers here (we live in a strata complex) may have...umm..terminated his tenancy. We will choose to believe that Ari was humanely relocated, to a larger grasslands setting. Even though that grasslands realistically may be in the sky....

I’d like to say that we are gearing up for summer here, but with our furnace still blasting away thanks to high humidity levels (even Noah knew when it was time to bail on Terra Firma and board the SS Bon Voyage...), it seems like summer is one of those fabled dreams, like a Canadian hockey team winning the Stanley Cup.

On a brighter note, Mrs. That Dan Guy is finally getting to the tail end of a brutal flu bug that has knocked her out for about a week now. I don’t want to suggest that she’s spent too much time blowing her schnozz around here, but Rudolph has filed a grievance with the Red-Nosed Reindeer Union. I would advise you to do like I’ve recently done, and buy stocks in Kleenex...

Another day in our world!!

Chow for now!!


  1. Get better, MRS TDG. Hope TDG is bringing you some Charlie....I mean, Chicken soup.

  2. charlie chicken10:45 AM

    Ha Ha Ha!!



  3. From today's post, if she is better, ya'd better run for them hills, Charlie. Those pointy objects could mean there is soup on the menu soon.

  4. You've heard of dim bulbs??

    This is one dim bird....

  5. Mrs That Dan Guy8:51 AM

    Ha ha! Good one Suzanne! Charlie Soup|! Oh Charles, come hither......

  6. With your zither....
