Saturday, June 04, 2011

Chicken Scratch
(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken...)
Ahoy, hoomans! It’s Movie Nite in tha coop - on tap tonight, well...I ain’t planned that far ahead yet - have ta see wut’s on basic cable, cause tha skinflint homeowners here restrict my access!!
Not even sure wut I’m in tha mood for - probably action/adventure, but I could go fer a comedy. One thing fer sure - it ain’t gonna be a chick flick - Yuk Yuk Yuk!!!!!

OMG, I’s one funny berd!!
Hey, mebbe I oughta surf tha Googler, an download a movie! Mebbe then I could watch something from this century! Can’t even browse tha PVR here - tha wierdos I share tha house with fill tha hard drive with Barney and Celebrity Rehab.
Oh, wait...tha’s their relatives!!
Hey, mebbe I can watch a cartoon marathon! I do love that wacky Foghorn Leghorn and his little pal!! I say, I say boy...
Ya juss can’t beat tha classics!!
Cluck fer now...


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy3:51 PM

    Hey Charlie, let me know when your next Movie Night is and I will be sue to lineup some good ones for you! IE

    Documentary: The Chicken Slaughterhouse
    Documentary: When the Wolves Come by the Coop
    Documentary: How KFC Came to Be

    Ya, yous one funny berd alright!

  2. charlie chicken1:31 PM

