Friday, May 06, 2011

Yay!! Crude oil prices are plummeting, so gas prices will finally start to come down as well!!

Yeah, right…When the people (us) are at your (money-sucking producers) mercy, and no one is willing to step in and bring prices into line with reality (as opposed to the criminal “uncertainty in the marketplace” theory that always floats out as the prices race up to the heavens), expect to just keep getting stabbed in the gentles as these well-dressed stick-up artists continue to pocket billions. I mean seriously, how many Lamborghinis do oil company executives need? One for every day of the week, AND an alternate for…


Oh boy...

Judging by the direction this tirade is headed, I think this post qualifies as a “rant”. I think I also should have come up with a blog post today BEFORE I filled up my gas tank. Which should last me much longer this time, after I finish welding the harness and reins to the vehicle. I’ll get more fresh air now that I’ve removed the windshield, and Mrs. That Dan Guy has always loved horses, so now she gets to enjoy time with some of these majestic beasts every day, as we gallop in to work!

Hi Ho Silver – or should I say Crude???

Chow for now…


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy4:43 AM

    Ya let's do it baby! Hey, does one need a license to drive a horse and buggy? Whoo! Can't wait! Giddy up!

  2. Wait, are we still talking about our vehicle??
    Oh my! Oh dear!!
