Monday, May 30, 2011

The March Of The MAC (in May...)
Tis a slow process, trying to convert over from Windows/PC - at least when you’re remaining busy with pressing projects that require software that you’re familiar with over on those other machines. 
Ah well, at least I no longer have to try correcting typed words like “sjkeat”, “mnbvc”, and “qlkaixno” like I did all the time on that cursed netbook keyboard - great idea, wrong layout for anyone other than Tinkerbell using the miniaturized typing space.
So far, the word processing has been easy to pick up with my usual “Manual, what’s that??” learning technique. I still have to figure out how to post in a readable size on this blog, but we’ll see if today’s test works better than the last few days. I don’t want people getting turned off here if the font is making them squint like Mr. Magoo.
Chow for now!!


  1. Ah, success! Squinting not an issue.

  2. Seems like success - I'll take it when I can!

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy11:23 AM

    But I like Mr. Magoo! ...And YOU :)
