Monday, May 09, 2011

I joked in my Twitter post today something to the effect that President Obama should be able to request proof that Trump’s noggin-warmer is actually hair. The bigger point is that even with all the technology at our modern disposal, as a people we are far less likely to believe things if someone is bleating loudly enough from the hinterlands.
This really isn’t a new phenomenon. Elvis is still alive somewhere, eating fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches in Costa Rica maybe. Aliens have landed and probed thousands, although not anyone we’d really like to see probed, or escorted off the planet.

Conspiracy theories will continue no matter how much evidence is presented to the contrary. I’d like to get one started here myself today.

In a Wal-Mart in Canada, I am convinced beyond all reasonable doubt that I saw Angelina Jolie, canoodling with Elvis, whilst carting around several adopted alien children.

Let the rumour mills begin!!

Chow for now… 


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:06 AM

    Oh brother, well it's not beginning with ME I can tell you that! Although you might be able to sell that headline to a tabloid or two!
