Monday, April 04, 2011

Should be a fun drive into Mrs. That Dan Guy’s work tonight, as a major road has been shut down permanently to accommodate expanding the Calgary airport. Despite having had a year to prepare, it comes as no surprise that much of the work to accommode alternate road accesses hasn’t been completed just yet, which should make for much hilarity during rush hour.

My prediction is that the city and the airport authority will regret this little foray sooner rather than later. The road closed was a major artery, used for years. With nothing but surging city growth over the past few years, removing a major roadway should really grind traffic to a halt at awful times of the day - this should be loads of fun to unaffected observers.

That would be me, not MTDG…

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:18 AM

    Oh ya, just one more dumb decision by the powers that be. The crawling the lineups, ridiculous|! Way to go Calgary! And with only 1 way in and one way out, let's hope no one ever requires emergency services! What a bunch of boobs|!

  2. Did someone mention "boobs"?????
