Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oh the weather outside is frightful,

(Hey, isn’t this supposed to be spring?)

But the fire is so delightful,

(we set the sofa on fire, in here it’s friggin’ frostbite-full…)

And since we've no place to go,

(all the airplanes are grounded)

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

(in friggin’ April…)

It doesn't show signs of stopping,

(till August)

And I've bought some corn for popping,

(up Jack Frost’s ass…)

The lights are turned way down low,

(heavy snow has snapped the power lines)

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

(pass the rum and eggnog – it’s gonna be a long April…)

When we finally kiss goodnight,

(with those blue, blue lips and teeth a’chatterin’)

How I'll hate going out in the storm!

(unless I see a Greyhound marked “Hawaii”)

But if you'll really hold me tight,

(my circulation might return)

All the way home I'll be warm.

(it’s a deceptive stage of hypo-thermia…)

The fire is slowly dying,

(the chimney flue iced over)

And, my dear, we're still good-bying,

(In the matter of the estate of…)

But as long as you love me so,

(cause I’m holding the comforter…)

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!


Chow for now...


  1. Hahahah! I may be kinder and gentler but you are the King of Comedy. Need a match?

  2. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Lmao! Hey, my word verification is "fat wing" ha ha ha

  3. Hee hee!

    that's nuckin' futs!!

  4. Mrs That Dan Guy10:41 AM

    OMG that is hilarious! I wondered why you were singing let it snow, let it snow, let is snow, around the house! Well, you sure made the ridiculouus snowfall more fun!

  5. Snow begone, for Pete's sake!!
