Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Like Alan Jackson sang in his haunting 9-11 anthem “Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning”, I’m not a real political man.

However, let me see if I can wrap myself around this ongoing Canadian election campaign:

- Current Prime Minister Stephen “Tony Soprano” Harper would rather scare Canadians than offer anything of substance. His repeated bleat of preference is “we don’t want an opposition coalition”. As a minority government, ironically he survives as a coalition government, currying the favour of whichever party (the dastardly Bloc Quebecois included) will support his initiatives.

- His government was brought down as a result of corruption over indifference to the appropriate conduct within parliament – yet he still feels we should reward that behavior as voters with a majority mandate! He’d be right at home running Egypt, Libya, or Iran…(the fact that there’s oil in the mix of our public consciousness makes that analogy even more interesting…).

- He’s pudgy – which even by the most basic advice you see on résumé sites suggests he would have trouble getting hired in the competitive job market. Combine that with his age, and politics really is his only option as a career path…

- His party began running campaign ads long before the government was brought down – I’d suggest that indicates they were planning an election long before the rest of the parties decided to vote against them. Even though he continues to blame all the other parties for causing yet another election.

I say get the facts (certainly not the personal opinion of some nut-bar online blogger) before you make your decision for voting day.

I think you can figure out who I WON’T be voting for…

Chow for now…


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:15 AM

    Politicians! They are all the same. Liars, promise-breakers, violin players....who needs em!

  2. Poor violinists - getting lumped in with liar-pants politicians...
