Monday, April 25, 2011

Chicken Scratch

(posted by the twice-bumped weekend guest blogger, never known for his patience, Charlie Chicken…)

Bee-lated Happy Eatser, dear readers – at least any readers that even REMEMBER ME!!!!


Yeah, one cluckin’ event, an ole Charlie is sent inta orbit, ta be returned whenever the mood strikes. No, no – no bother worryin’ about a poor ole chicken…



Well, I had planned a live broadcast frum tha ann-yuel “Eatser Race A Tha Headless Hares” – probably how Eatser gets its name in tha first place. If ya ever see a chocolate rabbit with its ears by the end a Eatser weekend, somehow they musta evaded the hungry jaws a choco-lo-holic hoomans!


In this still shot, taken duren tha race, young hotshot racer Herbie is well on his way ta victory. Until he wuz unceremoniously snatched from the race track, and had his haunches chewed off. Lagging runner Benny “The Gold Zipper” Bunny didn’t fare much better. I haven’t seem either uv them since the weekend…

Well, guess I better make ma way back thru the coop, until next Saturday – when I’m hopin’ Banjo Boy don’t have ta review a episode a “Golden Girls” on late-nite TV…

Cluck fer now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:52 AM

    Shouldnt you have been laying eggs or something for Eatser Day Charlie? Hmmm......maybe we should be preserving the rabbits and eating the chicken instead! Do you taste like chocolate Charlie? Ah, na, forget it you dont have ears.
