Stage West Calgary
“Move Over Mrs. Markham”
Ray Cooney & John Chapman
The Monday Morning “Somebody-Asked-Me-To, So-Here-I-Go” Theatre Review:
“Move Over Mrs. Markham”,
at Calgary’s Stage West Theatre Restaurant.
“Move Over Mrs. Markham”,
at Calgary’s Stage West Theatre Restaurant.
Ah, the grand old British sex farce – a genre that has launched thousands of TV sitcoms, countless risqué movies, and delighted theatre-goers for decades. Even after debuting back in 1969, this production didn’t seem to lose anything in this most recent remounting at Stage West, judging by the reaction of the enthusiastically appreciative audience.
Remounting may not be such a bad turn of phrase with respect to this show either, considering the amount of thwarted “mountings” attempted as the play chugs through both acts. While the first half focuses on building up the blocks that will absolutely tumble towards the conclusion, the second act holds the hearty laughs that form the payoff for the audience. Even at 42 years old and counting, the gags and premises still resonate, a testimony I’d say to the writers of this production.
In a nutshell, a trio of star-crossed couples attempting to couple (some in full flagrant infidelity) find a number of wacky, escalating circumstances preventing their efforts. Along with some fine supporting cast members, the main actors absolutely dive in and infuse the roles with the dynamics that start you off in light chuckling, building to outright belly-laughs. I’ve got a whole new appreciation on the under-utilized art of goosing, and hope to employ maybe the “Canadian Goose” technique sometime this week, to see how much my spouse might appreciate the playful gesture. Hoooonk!!
Once my official (much more descriptive, far more professional) Calgary Herald review appears online, I’ll post the link here to direct you to that resource. And, over the next week I’ll be sitting down with some cast members for my ongoing audio interview series, which you can access by clicking on that photo montage at the top of this page. Check back soon for those features
Until that time, take my word for it – if you’re in the Calgary area (or plan to be) you won’t be disappointed here if you’re in the market for a good saucy sex romp.
Uh, or enjoying a terrific play about that…I really need to work on my clarification skills…
Chow for now!!