Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chicken Scratch

(posted by a disgruntled weekend guest blogger, Charlie “Low-On-Patience” Chicken)

Hmmph….so THIS is why I got bumped yesserday?? Big deal – so Banjo Boy knows howta spell…



Ennertainment? I know a thing or two about ennertainment!

My favourite jazz musician iz Chick Corea. There’s a pretty good blues singer in New Orleens named Rooster. An wuzn’t there a classik rock band named “Atomic Rooster” – now THERE’S some talented pluckers!


Mebbe I oughta revive my high school noosepaper column, “Poultry Scat”! I could show summa these hoomans howta appreciate the finer aspecks a tha musical werld!


Ya want classy ennertainment? How about “Ain’t Nobody Here But Us Chickens”?

Or tha United Brotherhood A Poultry Feathers’ national anthem – “The Chicken Dance”???

I got yer class – right here!!


Ah, mebbe it is a good effort – fer a hooman…

Lemme try and figire out that turkey’s password again – I got me some writin’ chops ta dust off!

Cluck fer now…

(Editor's Note: PLEASE scroll down to yesterday's post, for a link to something clearly above Charlie's feeble head. And check back soon for my audio interview with some of the cast!)


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy6:13 AM

    Oh brother! U crazy Charlie! Why dont u leave the writing to someone without feathers you crazy ole bird! Or rather someone who doesnt ruffle feathers!

  2. Delusional, that bird!
