Thursday, January 20, 2011

Journey Through An Esophagus

The human body is an incredible contraption – often more astounding than your wildest imaginings.

Thanks to the kind consent of Mrs. That Dan Guy, we are privileged to present here a view not typically enjoyed by the average person – the images captured by a length of microchips exploring her “innards”.

NOT for the squeamish, yet educational, and astounding indeed!

Enjoy (Chow for now…)


  1. Whoa!! Thanks for sharing and you are right--not for the squeamish! Happy Special Day to ya, Mrs TDG.

  2. She hasn't even had a chance to see it herself yet!

    Which leaves me a small chance that she will skip past it to tomorrow's...

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy11:05 PM

    And no I didnt SKIP past this! Your are nuts Mr. Certifiable I tell ya! And somehow that little diddy was farrrrrrrrr more soothing than the real deal! Aye carumba dude!
    I will be forwarding a copy of this to my Doctor, thank you!

  4. You are SO welcome :-)
