Sunday, January 23, 2011

The 11’s are rolling in fast and furious so far this year.

Mrs. That Dan Guy and I were out last night, and when we got in, I flipped on CBC's Hockey Night In Canada to see how our Calgary Flames were doing. Our jaws dropped when we noticed I did that at EXACTLY 11:11 on the time clock, in the first period, with the score tied at 1-1. How is that even possible?

This morning, I opened the first page of my Calgary Herald to read about a marathon runner who lost her camera, but someone found it and was able to identify her (and return the camera) by a pic on there.

Her number, as a runner in the marathon? Would you have guessed 11?

Aye caramba!

Bringing this all full circle, I see that by some absolute bizarre law of the number 11, there are EXACTLY that many chocolate covered raisins left in the package I just opened. Must be a sign…

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:26 AM

    And I realize I yell DANIEL 11 times on most days!
    Aye carumba is right!

  2. Your yelling? I always thought that was just you being "special"...
