Friday, October 15, 2010

Is it just me (I worry that it is), or do common household products sound so much more exotic than they are?

Take for example “Drano”, just one of several products appropriately named for the service that it provides in the home. Sure, it clears clogged drains, even a built-up blockage of accumulated chicken knuckles.
But that name, for me at least, conjures up other images:

Ladies and gentleman…Drano is on the 17th green, leading the pack at 8 under par. He’s lining up his putt..and…YES!! He drains it! Drano sinks his putt!!”

Drano Dryvorek, Russian boxer and amateur flautist defends his title tonight, sparring 12 rounds with Spago Sperdinko. Looking a little heavy after this long break between matches, it’s anybody’s call who might walk away the winner in this matchup…”

Appearing nightly in the Boom Boom Room – The Amazing Drano, who will dazzle the audience with his close-up magic, and vocal stylings. Come have your breath taken away, or at least pulled out of a hat!

Oh, I could go on. Thankfully though, I won’t…

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:26 AM

    Reminds me of one "Mr. Magnifiko" a certain someone conjured up! Oh brother!

  2. Hee hee...
