Monday, October 11, 2010

Hmmm… 10 11 10… that’s a lot of 1’s…

Hey, something seems a little different here this morning…

Trying to add my new Amazon Associates link, I found that I had to change my template for this space, so that prompted a few other changes. Now, if you click on the pic above, you’ll go directly to my podcast site. I’ll still try and insert an RSS feed, but this should make things a little simpler.

And, seeing as how this silly little blog has steered more and more towards entertainment the last couple of years, I’ve become an Amazon (.ca) Associate, so over the next while I’ll start giving some recommendations to some of my favourite books, music, and other items – how exciting is that???

Sheesh – people like it when Oprah does that…

Well, at any rate, check out the link to W. Bruce Cameron’s latest release, at the time of this posting it’s already spent 11 or 12 weeks on the New York Times’ bestseller list. I’ll be posting a full and proper review soon, but trust me – if you’re one of the millions of dog lovers out there, this is a fanciful and heart-warming book that will resonate with you.

But you will have to buy it yourself – Oprah I ain’t…

Chow for now (at least some things stay the same…)


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:37 AM

    LOVE the new look, the ads, the it, love it, love it!

  2. Thanks - it only took me 8 months!!

  3. Thanks! Such a breeze, these technological modifications!

  4. Wow! I am LOVING the new look. Well done ThatDanGuy! Woot!

  5. And I only had to bang my head against the wall a couple of times!!
    Or ten...
    PS - we must chat about this analytics stuff...
