Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The English language is tremendously confusing. Take for example the word “mole”

In one instance, a mole is a half-blind fur-covered animal that lives primarily underground. Yet in another context, a mole is a visual imperfection on one’s face, an appendage or their ass.

How does that make sense? Is a mole surface, or subterranean? And for that matter, is it fair that a mole can appear around so many places on your body? Who would even know that they had a mole, if it was subterranean like the animal??

Which also begs the question – what if the popular carnival game “Whack-A-Mole” wasn’t about trying to clobber the four-legged version, but a collection of hapless humans with the skin tags?

Somewhere underground, moles would breath a sigh of relief…

Chow for now!!

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