Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Apparently, there’s not much you can do to change the appearance of a podcast page. After such an exhilarating couple of days revamping this space, I hoped to do the same with my podcast link, while avoiding the lengthy effort that will be remaking my main webpage.

For more on that thought, checkout:

It seems that there are but a few choices when it comes to the appearance of that little interview feature sideline, so now I must begin the focus of updating nonsense and Considering the information is sorely out of date, my photos there wouldn’t glean recognition from my own family members, and I’m pretty sure that Mrs. That Dan Guy deleted damaging references to her dust bunny farm – it is a task I must undertake. 

Before the undertaker does it for me…

More to come, people…
Chow for now though!

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