Sunday, September 19, 2010

Who ya gonna call?

Canada has produced some pretty big international stars over the years, but probably none as successful and legendary as this gentleman. Dan Akroyd has achieved top-of-the-class status in TV, film, and music – plus he flogs some pretty damn good booze – which is how I came to be shaking his hand the other day. He’s touring Canada right now, promoting his wines, vodka and tequila.

A few years back, Mrs. That Dan Guy and I were sitting in a House Of Blues restaurant, in Atlantic City. I was just about to chow down on my tasty burger, when I got an e-mail to my Blackberry (how quaint – a Blackberry – how 2009!!), from the House Of Blues!

Well, OK – that was probably more ironic than it was interesting, but it was related to today’s subject, so I thought I’d throw it in there…

At any rate, we had Mr. Akroyd sign a couple of bottles of wine for us, but I also brought him a copy of my book – so who knows? Maybe one of the legendary SNL Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time Players, a Ghost-Buster, a real, honest to goodness (not one of the sad knock-offs you see so often at half-time shows) Blues Brother will be thumbing through MY attempt at humour, in his tour bus.

Hmm.. I should probably check the ditches between here and Regina…

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:35 AM

    Hey, what a great t-shirt you happened to be wearing too!

  2. Live from New York...

    We sat in the very studio that he helped make famous!
