Thursday, September 02, 2010

Well, this is rather embarrassing! I’m learning about the country I was born and raised in, from a Scotsman…

Mrs. That Dan Guy and I watched the first installment of Billy Connolly’s “Journey To The Edge Of The World” last night. The comic is a bit subdued as host of this series, but there’s still quite a few laughs among the rich treasury of images from his trek across Northern Canada.

I’m not sure what inspired him to document his travels clear across the frozen wastelands of our country, but he’s clearly got a passion for what he’s doing. If you haven’t clued in to this Public Television offering, it’s worth a visit – Mr. Connolly not only visits historic sites along the way, but gets right into each of the communities, showing us what makes them unique.

OK, maybe I do need to get out a bit more, but it’s pretty great TV viewing – unless your IQ doesn’t grasp concepts beyond oddly tanned Jersey-ites named “Snooker”.

Chow for now!!

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