Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our cat has been hiding under the bed for what seems to have been an awfully long time. Weeks, maybe?

It’s been SOOO long, I frankly don’t even remember what kind of cat it is.

For that matter, now that I think about it a bit longer…I’m not even sure we have a cat anymore!

Which would explain the food and water that hasn’t been touched by the back door, and the remarkable condition of the kitty litter box – it’s so pristine you could eat out of it!

Not that I’d want to consider that, even if it were true that we are in fact…cat-less!

Now, why would Mrs. That Dan Guy encourage me to maintain some façade of pet ownership, if we are lacking in any sort of live feline companionship? Is it some sort of test of my responsibility quotient? Is she secretly “punking” me, and posting my efforts on the Yoo-Hoo Tube?

Some days, I sure wish I had a better sense of awareness…

I just hope I'm not going to regret ordering that "Emery Cat" product from the TV commercials. Although, if it works on cats, wouldn't it work on a dude???

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy12:58 PM

    I think you should stop posting in the wee hours of the morning. You have plum lost your mind Mr.!

  2. I've also lost my plum...
