Monday, July 19, 2010

Poor Betty White…

Even though she’s on yet another meteoric career arc, irony is never too far away.

Not that I’m particularly aware of any major irony factor where Betty White is concerned, but I did happen upon a bit of somewhat humorous irony just the other day regarding the centuries-old actress, and I did need something to post this morning – so work with me here, people!

As I was saying…

I was wandering around a Best Buy store a day or so ago, and noticed a section of TV box sets. I started to make my way along the aisle alphabetically, which is where I came across a set of “Golden Girls” DVDs – the long-running hit series of which White is now the sole-surviving cast member.

The irony was located right next to that set – a collection from Playboy’s “Girl’s Next Door” – about as far removed from Golden Girls as I imagine you could ever get.

Only in the video section, would the twain ever meet…

Ooo-Eee - Whut up wit dat, whut up wit dat???

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy2:41 AM

    Oo-ee, whud up wit dat, whut up wit dat! Now you have that damn SNL bit in my head!
    Hey, speaking of SNL, go Betty go! Gotta love the Betty!
    Hey, her bit in her new show is pretty darn funny too!
    You still got it Betty girl!

  2. What the hey-hey? I posted at 1:11??
