Wednesday, July 28, 2010

In this current era of “celebrity”, where pretty much anyone with the IQ of a dime and an apparent inability to remember to wear underwear when venturing outside their home, there are thankfully still talented individuals with immense presence with respect to their chosen craft.

Sadly, there’s one less, with the recent passing of Canadian actor Maury Chaykin, whose credits ran the gamut of both TV and film, most roles resonating long after the show or movie was relegated to the digital storage facility.

For me, his most outstanding role was the crazed general in “Dances With Wolves”, a stunning film to begin with, but even more unforgettable as Chaykin’s character unravels into suicide. This past year, I’ve often compared that character to leaders in certain companies we’re familiar with, here in the Such Is Life household.

There are actors that have an innate ability to own the screen while they are appearing on it. He absolutely was one of them…

Chow for now!

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