Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Parable Of The Ant & The Grasshopper

Bill the ant was a very determined worker. He worked in the morning, and he worked in the evening. Every day as he raced from one job to another, he would pass by his pal Jerome – a grasshopper with considerably less work ethic than the average ant.

Jerome embraced the easy life – he worked as little as possible, and supplemented those brief moments of mental and physical exertion with lengthy siestas. While Bill held down three jobs, Jerome barely managed to get out of bed every other morning for his part-time job selling stripe refresher for captive zebras.

This sort-of got to frustrating Bill, as his poor little antennae began to droop after so many hours working at a variety of demanding, thankless jobs. It ate at him, and made him very resentful of Jerome.

But before he could confront his friend, and lecture him on the errors of his frivolous ways, Bill had a massive coronary, and croaked. Jerome was sad, and quit his part-time job to ponder his place in the world.

As luck would have it, Jerome also happened to win the largest Lotto jackpot in the history of the world that weekend, so he became a motivational speaker, and advised people against working too hard.

Bill, from the window of his cloud in heaven, almost had another coronary watching this unfold.

The moral of the story – don’t forget to buy your lottery tickets…

Chow for now!!

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