Friday, May 21, 2010

Next week will be a personal milestone for That Dan Guy. After a little over six and a half years, my weekly column in the Kelowna newspaper supplement will run a farewell edition. Lack of space will be the official cause of death.

As I say in the column, it seems like I’m writing an obituary, but far from it – I’m busier than ever with my writing, thankfully. I still enjoy a national column here in Canada, plus I hope my recent inroads within the Canwest chain (or whatever it will be called once the sale finalizes) continues.

Plus this will free me up to finalize a number of book projects, which is pretty exciting as well. It’s been some time since my last one – I think the Beatles were still together when that one came out.

What is even more exciting is the regular traffic heading over and downloading the interviews I’ve done this past year.

So, between my ramblings here (sorry, that will continue as well…), and other stuff I’m jamming into the pipeline, the silly will continue for the foreseeable future.

Yabba, dabba, and doo…

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:20 AM

    Wow! Almost 7 years running every week in the paper, quite an accomplishment Mr. That Dan Guy. I know so many who will really miss your column.
    Here's to the next big adventure. Cheers!

  2. Anonymous2:04 PM

    That is quite an accomplishment. All the best with what lies ahead for you!

  3. I've given you an award. You can pick it up from my site. If you want to display it on your blog, you can. If you want to hand it out, you can. If you don't want to do anything with it, you can too.


  4. Next big adventure - learning to spel!!

  5. Thanks, Anonymous - what lies ahead is plenty of time curled up in a fetal position weeping (probably...)

  6. Cool!

    I shall check it out, toot suite!

