Monday, May 24, 2010

Authorities are entirely indifferent to reports of a shady character recently seen buzzing around Cowtown.

Characterized by a polished forehead & scalp, hairline remnants - plus numerous jiggly chins, this dude has been seen recently aimlessly watering a portion of lawn near his home. Authorities have no explanation for his behavior, aside from presuming that constantly listening to Justin Bieber’s latest CD has possibly porridged his frontal lobes.

He is guilty of no apparent crimes, other than a tremendously inadequate attempt to look like actor Jack Nicholson.

Honey Nut Cheerios.

There was no reason imaginable to release this report…

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:59 AM

    Hmm...I think I will catch myself a "Bombus Melanopygus". I like the looks of this buzzing, shady character!

  2. Watch ya don't get stung!!

    (hee hee...)
