Tuesday, March 16, 2010


According to the forecast this morning, we are supposed to hit a record high – and that’s without ingesting any sort of medication.

What’s that? Not the high you were referring to??


Oh, well…that’s pretty cool too.

So, today we are supposed to hit record high TEMPERATURES, which may be a good reason to unwrap my Speedo from the dry-cleaners’ plastic wrap. Man, I am white as an ivory marble right now – winter in Canada may be sunny, but it sure don’t keep you looking like George Hamilton.

Really, you could use my skin tone right now to set a can of paint to “ecru”. Or “eggshell”.

Or “pasty”.

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:48 AM

    Huh? Ecru, eggshell? Uh, that would be "egg-white" Mister!
    Yep, +19 degrees today, wahoo!

    Hey, does anyone else have to contend with a sporadic gazelle running through their house from time to time? (Just answer a simple yes or no and don't ask any further questions! Nobody knows folks, nobody knows!)

  2. Hey! Egg shells are whitish too...

    gazelle? You must be mixing your coffee and Peach Schnapps again...
