Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hola, amigos!

Well, that’s about as continental as THIS space is ever going to get…plus that might be as multi-lingual as I can muster, unless you include “si”, “oui”, and “Live Long & Prosper”…

I wish I had learned another language. My brain rejected the high school French that instructors gallantly endeavored to impart upon me. Aside from enjoying Spanish peanuts, I never absorbed any of that language. Or Mexican, which is similar.

Over the years, different ethnic backgrounds have taught me how to swear in their language, but I never felt safe tossing any of those words out, in case they really were teaching me how to say: “I have lovely hemorrhoids”.

Many mornings, I do speak “Wookie” though - Chewbacca’s native tongue is pretty much yawning with a blend of rolling growl. I do that at least until I’ve had my first cup of coffee…

Chow for now!!

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