Friday, February 12, 2010

Nothing ever seems as exciting as Las Vegas, after you return home from a stay there, and get back into your normal day-to-day routine. I hear no clanging of slot machines. There’s not nearly enough neon signage here around the homestead. And, I’ve been waiting almost 16 hours for a cocktail waitress to stop by and ask me if I want a drink.

Mrs. That Dan Guy has a long, hound-dog look on her face – and she keeps barking out “Hit” at random intervals. I think she might actually see a Blackjack dealer – but it is still early – her eyes are barely even open…

We took a pedometer with us this time, and one day discovered that we walked over 10 miles!! It may actually be urgent for our health and well-being, to get back there as soon as humanly possible!! Vegas is like a gym membership for us…

Bet red!! All in!! Transaction declined???

Viva Las Vegas!!!!

Chow for now.


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy6:37 AM

    I agree with Mr. That Dan Guy. It is imperative for our health that we return to LV ASAP! Viva Las Vegas!

  2. How does March sound???

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy11:09 AM

    Count me in! Viva March!

  4. Arriba-derchi Canada!!
