I’m not saying that we’re lacking for entertainment options in the Such Is Life household, but Thursday mornings here get pretty rambunctious.
Thursdays, in our area of the city, are garbage/recycling day. The day the starter pistol fires, to see who can gather said garbage/recycling first, and prepare it for the curb, where it will eventually get picked up.
This morning, Mrs. That Dan Guy awoke earlier than I, and went downstairs to have a cup of coffee, plus pray that her bed-swollen eyes would open.
I tried to quietly sneak around the upstairs, gathering various small garbage bags (bathroom, office, etc). Somehow, Ole Bat Ears picked up something on her radar, and she stampeded upstairs, just as I was headed for the final bag, in the TV room. I had to settle for the bathroom trophies.
However (and how this is even possible defies modern science) while trying to get past one tiny garbage can, to the one in my office, a slipper flew off, and my foot inserted itself COMPLETELY into the little plastic garbage pail we keep in the bathroom. Causing me to fall flat on my face, whilst adorned by a plastic, heel-less pump.
That moment of awe-struck wonder (MTDG, mouth wide open in disbelief) allowed my singular moment to gather myself up, and dash downstairs to place the garbages I had collected, into the bag for outside.
Never a dull moment here…
Folks, I wish I could say he makes this stuff up, but sadly, this is an absolute accurate portrayal of what went on in the Such is Life household this morning! (Well, except that my eyes were already wide open at 430am this morning and I heard the big ape rustling around upstairs, interrupting my QUIET morning and thus, I had no choice but to sprint up the stairs! Seriously, this must stop before someone (Mr.) gets hurt!
ReplyDeleteThis is freakin' Ripley's, live every day!