Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy V.D., online amigos!!

Aah…Valentine’s Day – that one special day of the year that:

- I get to eat chocolate,

- For some strange reason I feel like I should have bought flowers today, and

- I exchange greeting cards with all my fellow classmates.

Hmmm….maybe that last one was just when I was still back in elementary school…

At any rate, Love is in the air – I sprayed it in the living room earlier – and yes – it’s Glade!

Hey – if you should happen to get a visit from Cupid yourself today, tell him to give me a call – he owes me twenty bucks for a Super Bowl bet that’s still outstanding.

We’ve got big plans for a romantic dinner tonight, here in the Such Is Life household. Bison Dog tacos, maybe some pork n beans – and leftover chocolate cake. La vida loca, I’m telling you…

We may even watch a bit of the Olympics – so far not much interest or inclination. Of course, we’re still playing catch-up from being away for a few days. Who knew Two & A Half Men ran so many times a day, every day of the week?

Well, better get at it – the day is beckoning!

Chow for now….

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