Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Had trouble getting to sleep last night. After a good stretch of tossin’ and turnin’, I got up, and watched some Texas Hold “Em on Game TV. That blasted televised poker is like catnip for me – once I get started, I just can’t stop watching it.

Now that I think about it, I should have been:

-programming the PVR for today and tomorrow.

-reading Chapter XVI in my “Greatest Whodunits Of William Shakespeare”.

-carefully etching out the Van Halen logo with lipstick on Mrs. That Dan Guy’s forehead, while she slept. Again...

-counting the feathers in my pillow, to verify the manufacturer’s claims…

-playing air guitar to Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On”, from memory…

-examining the clams in our fridge for signs of freckling.

-trying to find a broadcast of Jeopardy, which is like a free adult continuing education course.

-tying MTDG’s toes together with Kleenex.

-counting sheep to the tune of that old Elvis song, “I’m Counting On Ewe”…

That’s all, folks!

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:45 AM

    Ya, as for item # 3, once in a lifetime was enough for that experience, thank you very much! Yes, folks, that really did happen..ugh!
    Great, more time for Mr. That Dan Guy with his restless mind available to think of new shananagans! Oh joy! I will need to start slipping sleeping aids into his evening beverage.
