Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chicken Scratch

(by weekend guest blogger, Charlie Chicken)

Mornin’ mammals!

Ole Charlie is finally getting’ hisself sum culture – I’m gonna learn to play music!


Thass right, peeple. Who says a chicken can’t getta bitta class? I’m gonna learn how ta play this big ole fiddle, maybe even strum a few classical tunes, like Cornelius’ theme song – “Classical Gas”.


How hard can this be? Sure, it could be a lot easier if I had FINGERS!!! But these ole chicken wings has got me thru worse dill-enemas over the years – now, they will bring me the joy of music!!

Or I’ll saw thru the strings on this chell-o…


Say, anyone know how ta read sheet music out there? Can I learn that by this afternoon? I’d like ta be able ta play “Stairway Ta Heaven” for this chick I’m seein’ tonite.

Mebbe if I just put on my bow tie, it’ll all just come to me naturally.

Hey…mebbe if I jam my chicken-Pod inside this hunka wood…

It’s worth a try…


Cluck for now!

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