Friday, November 06, 2009

A trip that we booked some time ago has finally arrived, and this post today reaches you from the lovely seaside hamburg of…Atlantic City, New Jersey! We’re here to see a show, and then it’s back to Reality-Burg, Canada.

Quite the trip – we left our home around 7:30 AM, and eventually arrived here in AC around 9 PM – I think it may be shorter to walk to Thailand than it is to fly to New Jersey from Canada. Go figure…

Some fun – we were worried about traveling in this current climate of H1N1 virus hysteria, and managed to have some young gentleman sit behind us in the departure lounge that had a healthy, robust, wet and messy cough, which he felt entirely unnecessary to cover whilst projecting said bacterium into the open air. Mrs. That Dan Guy was fit to be tied (which is not exactly something she hasn’t tried, but that’s a story for another day…).

We couldn’t wait to get on the airplane, and away from Virus Man, but wouldn’t you know our luck – he sat BEHIND US, on the airplane, hacking all the way along.

We sprinted off the plane as soon as it landed, hoping to gasp some fresh, viral-free air. I’m not sure about the general commerce observations of the local cab drivers’ organizations here in Atlantic City, but there were none to be seen, at a major U.S. airport, after a load of passengers had arrived, eager to spend money on over-charged fares to the Boardwalk.

We were directed t0 a mini-van that offered shuttle services, and thought with much relief that we wouldn’t have to hop a city bus to get to our hotel.

However, that relief soon gave away to sheer, stunning regret, as the mini-van continued to fill with people, all set to be shuttled along with us. Including…you got it…Hacky Magoo. In a closed, contained van – essentially a petri dish with wheels.

And Hacky had help in his quest to inoculate us with disease and pestilence – two ladies behind us were sneezing, wheezing, and sniffling. We pretty much wanted to jump out of the flipping window.

Oh well, we’re here now, and ingesting profuse amounts of COLD-FX. Hopefully the housekeeping staff we hearing coughing outside our room right now are brief when they make up our room later…

Chow, for now!!

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