Sunday, November 22, 2009

So this is what 4 AM looks like…

Sheesh – I should still be sound asleep, but for reasons I’m entirely unaware of – I’m wide awake.

Well, as long as I’m up:

Caved in to peer pressure today, and turned on our outdoor Christmas lights. I had planned on waiting until December 1st, but every night when we were coming home from an outing, more and more homes in our neighbourhood had launched their own elaborate displays. I tried to be strong, but when every home around you has packs of illuminated moose and deer bobbing their heads, you start to feel guilty that you aren’t even showing a wee twinkle of your own yet. Let alone decking your halls!

So, we are officially open for business, as far as Santa is concerned. Can’t believe how easily I caved in – but there’s some solace in knowing that a neighbour across the street saw me up on the ladder, and hastily erected his own display.

Some days you’re a rebel, some days you’re a lemming…

Chow for now!!


  1. Awesome.....and how bout that ladder. Better bout that feather wreath.....

  2. I must dig up that old photo, for newer readers.

    How many fake birds had to die to make that wreath??
