May have to find a new webhost. My website has been down for some time, and there appears to be no acceptable timetable for restoration. My original provider had some sort of equipment failure, but now they’ve transferred my account to a new provider – a provider that appears to be fine with leaving me in the lurch.
Hey, I thought Charlie was supposed to post a column on Saturdays here – I don’t think he did yesterday. If it was him, there was some serious delusion at play.
Do moose hibernate? Mrs. That Dan Guy and I are at some disagreement on this point. I figure we’re seeing so many because they’re stocking up on nuts and berries, before they head into their caves to hibernate for the winter. She thinks I’m nuts. The jury is out, I figure…
Mrs. ThatDanGuy wins this battle. MOOSE DO NOT HIBERNATE. He was probably just out for a stroll, seeing if he could catch some pictures of a coyote. What was the moose wearing? ;)
ReplyDeleteThe answer.
The moose appear unclothed, but the squirrel he was walking with was wearing a scarf and an aviator's cap.
ReplyDeleteHow tiny IS your url??