Sunday, October 04, 2009

FIFOOT comes to an end today, as our visiting family returns home later this afternoon, leaving one local sight (casino) on the table. In grand Calgary style, we have arranged for a fresh snowfall overnight, to remind them of why this ain’t Kelowna…

Yesterday a tuckered group hung out around Chez Such Is Life. We played more games, primarily “Sequence”, a game that the more you play, the more you wish you were being electrocuted naked in a wading pool. While sharks are gnawing on your legs. While falcons are pecking off your moustache, one hair at a time. I imagine we may have enough time to play a few more rounds before we head off to the airport.

On the sports front, what a start to the NHL season! Our Flames are two for two, as are the Canadiens. Not so much – the Vancouver Canucks. May be time to fire the coach, GM, and trade the goalie.

Oh yeah, finally – the legend of our uncle’s snoring. We’ve waited patiently these past few days, to no avail. Last night though, while watching the Calgary/Edmonton game, he drifted off into a light slumber, and Mrs. That Dan Guy wondered if a storm was blowing in. From downstairs she heard him. OK, maybe he DOES snore a tiny bit…

All in all, a great visit!

Chow for now!!

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