Stage West Calgary: “Married Alive” Starring Joyce DeWitt, Tory Doctor, Sweeney MacArthur, and Ksenia Thurgood.
Singin’! Dancin’! Laughin’! – Marriage, As A Musical!
Last night my wife and I enjoyed the debut of another fine production at Calgary’s Stage West Theatre Restaurant, a musical romp exploring the state of matrimony from “Niagara to Viagra”.
“Married Alive” is the featured season premiere to open the newly-renovated facility. From a married man’s perspective, it was a subject I could relate to. As a man hoping to remain married, you had to watch how hard you laughed at some of the situations the cast poked fun at…
The great thing about gathering clichés to examine the human condition is that while they don’t always fit each and every time (or each and every person), the root is essentially set in a commonality – so that at one point or another, most of the audience can relate instantly to the circumstances of the shared lives that these four cast members found themselves in, over the course of the play. The rush of young love, the pull of career – the unresponsive sagging of certain aging appendages.
If you’ve been in a relationship for any length of time, you’re certainly going to relate to at least a handful of the premises – family gatherings, starting a family, or even just how to relate to your partner after you’ve both settled into your lives after the bloom is beginning to wrinkle. The two couples – one a set of newly-weds and the other midway along the matrimonial path, manage to cover just about all the hills and valleys – in song.
Speaking of songs, the show features a potpourri of musical styles. There are a few cookie cutter musical theatre numbers, but there’s also some convincing forays into heartfelt reflections, Golden Oldies, gospel-styled revival, and one run through some seriously Caucasian rap. Something for everybody – and as far as the performances go, each and every member of this cast can ably carry their musical roles.
The show opens with the “experienced” couple (DeWitt & MacArthur) attending the wedding of the younger pair (Thurgood & Doctor), and brings the show back full circle during vow renewals, all the time poking fun at the road of life – exaggerated. If you had to gauge the success of the efforts by the reaction of the sold-out audience – I’d say this show will have a healthy run here in Calgary, until it closes in November.
By the way, I hope to have my interview with Joyce DeWitt, and maybe even this review available in audio format shortly. Check back here, or my actual website ( ) for more details.
Chow for now!
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