Thursday, September 10, 2009

Had myself a “Wile E. Coyote” moment yesterday – and, I’m reluctant to admit – it wasn’t my first.

I was power washing our windows (exterior) before fall completely sets in, and happened upon our gopher hole, under our front stairs. As a gag, I thought I’d offer our gopher a free shower. With the turbo nozzle.

The little hole that indicated our gopher is probably still around then expanded into a bit of a two car gopher garage. That flippin’ hose blasted the bejeessus out of the hole.

I could’ve parked my own car in the dang thing.

So, now we are in repair mode. I’m trucking in some gravel and topsoil, along with some cement. Could’ve just rolled a pebble in front of the hole before.

I’m brilliant…

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy6:35 AM

    Yup,that is one brilliant bulb alright!

  2. I believe it to be a radiant bulb, myself...

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy6:51 AM

    A low energy, green bulb!

  4. Hey! An airplane landing strip beacon, more likely!!
