Friday, September 25, 2009

7:11 AM!

I don’t know if I should post a blog, or have a Slurpee…

I think I’ll opt for having a Slurpee.

Kidding! Sorry, didn’t want to get your hopes up and then dash them so cruelly, but I will make a new post.


Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy7:25 AM

    Well surprise, surprise! Funny you didn't blog about getting your butt whooped yesterday!
    That's right folks, I remain the Crazy Eight's champion!
    Thank you

  2. You know, I had decided NOT to mention the cod-walloping I gave you the day before...TEN games to ONE...

    But go ahead and gloat - it's good for the old self-esteem...

    For myself, I choose to be far more dignified...
