Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mrs. That Dan Guy has one of those uncomfortable “stitches” in her side. Literally!

After the removal of two wisdom teeth last week, she had a couple of stitches that the dentist had to sew in, after he tore out a sizeable portion of her jawbone, or something like that. They were the dissolving kind, so it was just a matter of time before she would lose them.

However, she had grown to enjoy them, and frequently interacted with them, most especially with her tongue. As a matter of fact, they had become quite chummy.

Yesterday, after breakfast, she made the usual rounds, and discovered (to her horror) that the stitches had vamoosed – likely swallowed along with bacon and eggs.

Will a stitch in side save time? We shall see!

At the very least, it’ll be like a 60’s “bubble gum” pop song:

“Yummy Yummy Yummy, I Got Catgut In My Tummy…”

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:26 AM

    Oh brother! Some things are just wrong!
    I am joining Charlie in the wine display!
    - Mrs Stitch

  2. Why, you mangy stitch-chewing barnacling canoodler - you two will be right at home there!
