Friday, August 28, 2009

Alright AC-DC, what the heck is up with you guys? No Calgary stop on your current tour? You’re killin’ me here!!

To make things worse, TWO of my sisters-in-law have seen you so far, as you’ve traipsed across the frozen wastelands of Canada – in two different Canadian cities! I know Mrs. That Dan Guy has been adamantly on the record as saying a pack of spitting camels couldn’t drag her into one of your concerts, but I’m pretty sure I could have persuaded her to attend, if you would have at least had the courtesy to BOOK A SHOW HERE!!!!!!!!

You’re killin’ me…

AC-DC, I wanted to be back in black, I wanted to walk on the highway to hell!

I would have been about to rock, and I would have saluted you!

Bah humbug…

Chow for now!!

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