Monday, August 24, 2009

(1280 posts to date - that adds up to 11!!)

Everyone should send kind thoughts to poor Mrs. That Dan Guy today. Later this afternoon (and after a lengthy tooth-and-nail fight to keep them), our local dentist will tighten his vise-grip pliers, and extricate a few of her wisdom teeth. She has held onto them for years, ignoring advice to have them removed.

Not too long ago, while enjoying our popcorn and toffee diet, two of them shattered – I kid you not. Shards of tooth everywhere, but attached no longer where they should have been. I think I took a piece of enamel shrapnel in the cheek.

After our epic dust-up playing cards the other day, I hope she can afford to lose any more wisdom…

Hee hee…

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy7:54 AM

    Such exaggeration! You wanna feel shrapnel?? Why I oughtta... As for my wisdom, it is plenty and intact, thank you!
    Besides, I will probably walk out of the dentist's office humming and feeling fine, not like someone else I know who had HIS 4 wisdom teeth out and looked like a balloon after! Me strong like bull!

  2. Strong like bull that's had two teeth pulled...

    But with a better disposition :-)
