Saturday, July 04, 2009

Chicken Scratch

Hee Hee Hee…

Howdy humans! Ole Charlie here, foregoin’ the usual photo op of misself, to enjoy a bit of karmic irony. Seems like the ole Such Is Life household has taken on a tenant recently – of the rodent variety!!


Yessir, ole Banjo Boy & the missus came home the other night, and noticed a furry little head stickin’ outta underneath the front stairs to the home. Once the little head decided to pop further out, a groundhog was attached to it! Holy pluck!!


What’s funny is, these guys have MERCILESSLY ribbed some fellow family members about a certain squirrel in the attic for years now. I expect they’re quakin’ their pinfeathers over the repercussions of this new development. By the Great Rooster, if there’s any honour in the world – the family members will respect theez tryin’ times here at the homestead.

Hee Hee Hee…mebbe I will get me a copy of “Caddyshack” on the ole Betamax tonite…


Cluck for now!


  1. hmmmm......very interesting....

  2. ones cute wait for his 12 cousins who are comming over for dinner tonight.

  3. This is my worst nightmare - no wait - a worldwide shortage of peanut butter may be my WORST nightmare, but this is pretty close...

  4. Thanks God we've always had the common sense and decency to never tease you guys all that much about squirrels...

  5. do ground squirrels love peanut butter?

  6. Do you mean "Skippy"?

  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    So are you Roddy Dangerfield in this version of Caddyshack?

    Sis R

  8. Without a doubt - but with less hair...
